idag är jag sjuk. magont som började igår och jag vill helst lägga mig ner och gråta, det är dock lite bättre nu. nåväl, jag har det fantastiskt bra här nere i malmö, jobbet och mina fina vänner. jag mår överlag väldigt bra.
translation: today i'm ill. got a horrible stomach ache which started yesterday and sometimes i just want to cry even if it's much better than it was in the morning. well well, i enjoy malmö so much, my job and my friends. everything's great.
translation: today i'm ill. got a horrible stomach ache which started yesterday and sometimes i just want to cry even if it's much better than it was in the morning. well well, i enjoy malmö so much, my job and my friends. everything's great.
1 kommentar:
Such a cute photo I hope you feel better stay warm and drink lots of liquids! ♥
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